Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Easter Monday

My Easter Monday outfit...colourful and girly.
I hope everyone had a great Easter this year!
*És így néztem ki tegnap... Boldog Húsvétot mindenkinek, így utólag is! Remélem senki sem fog elhervadni!
sweater+dress (worn as skirt): second hand
shoes: my mother's old boots

Splendid Sunday

This was my outfit as of the last Sunday.
The pics were taken in my grandmother's garden. Nice, isn't it? It is such a big achievement considering her age: she is 87 years old!
* Nagymamám kertjében, vasárnap délután. Tökéletes háttér...
top+jeans: second hand, shirt: gift from my aunt

Saturday, 23 April 2011

The dress

F&F dress

I got inspired by this amazing F&F dress.
* Pár napja láttam meg ezt a ruhát, és rögtön beleszerettem. A legjobb: az ára. 8500 Ft!

These are what I would wear with the dress / És a hozzá való kiegészítők...
Ring & cuff- House of Harlow 1960, sunglasses- Tom ford, bag- Rebecca Minkoff, flats- Giuseppe Zanotti

sources: f&fmoda.com, shopbop.com, shopthetrendboutique.com

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Audrey, you are amazing!

Breakfast at Tiffany's

I plan to watch Funny Face (1957) starring Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire. Being a fan of Audrey it's a shame that I haven't seen that film... To tell you the truth I look up to her as an actor but mainly as the person she was. She represents beauty, chic and kindness- she is unique.
* Alig várom, hogy láthassam a Mókás arcot Audrey Hepburn főszereplésével. Azt hiszem nem csak én gondolom úgy, hogy Audrey a maga bájával és kedvességével egyszerűen egyedülálló.

from Funny Face
Funny Face again
In her famous Givenchy-dress (Sabrina)
Oh, so cute here!

Monday, 11 April 2011

Decades ago...

The first editorial is from Jalouse's February issue (2011). Pure '70s - this is my favourite era concerning fashion.
*Inspirációgyűjtés kedvéért...Jalouse magazin, 2011 februári szám
forrás: tfs
This look is a must-have for spring

Marloes Horst is uniquely beautiful
The glasses are great

The other editorial is an another inspiration for me. It's pretty old (2010 August) but Freja Beha Erichsen is unforgettable - especially in the spirit of the '60s/'70s.
*Második képsorozat: Vogue Nippon (2010 augusztusi szám)

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Michael Kors, Spring 2011 RTW

Some pics from the show:

This is my favourite-this skirt looks amazing

Gray remains for spring/summer

I'm looking for a dress with this bright pink colour
Anna Selezneva looks great in this yellow dress
Easy but still feminine...
...and the trench coat, of course. Now in white.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Last week

Hi everyone!
As I passed by the Burberry store on Sunday I felt the need to take a picture of this coat...It was simply perfect.

*Vasárnapi sétám eredménye: fotó a Burberry kirakatáról. Elmondhatom magamról, hogy ballonkabátmániás lettem - ha van egyáltalán ilyen!
on Andrássy Street

And this is me again in my favourite shirt from H&M's child section. shoes: second hand
*ing: H&M, cicanadrág: Zara, szandál: turi

Monday, 4 April 2011

Elle Russia

Valentina Zelyaeva just looks effortlessly sexy in this editorial for Elle Russia (2010 November)
photographer: David Burton

*Egyik kedvenc fényképsorozatom Valentina Zelyaeva főszereplésével. Régi, de nem lehet megunni!

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Dora Abodi, F/W 2011-2012

The latest collection  of Hungarian designer, Dora Abodi...it's dramatic, luxurious and feminine...love every piece of it!


*Abodi Dóra legújabb, 2011-2012-es őszi-téli kollekciója...Egyszerűen szuper!

Friday, 1 April 2011

Ms. Kling

My favourite blogger is Elin Kling (apart from Rumi/fashiontoast and Karen/wheredidugetthat). I've been following her since 2009 and she became one of my style inspirations. Her laid-back, easy but still sexy and rock&roll style is amazing. Truely swedish!

fotos: http://stylebykling.nowmanifest.com/

* Elin Kling a divatszakma egyik leghíresebb bloggere/divatszakembere. A svéd Elinnek már saját magazinja van (Styleby),  társalapítója a világ legnagyobb divatblog-portáljának (nowmanifest) és egy kapszulakollekcióval is büszkélkedhet, amit a H&M-nek tervezett. Csak így tovább!

2011 March

2010 August

In her own design from a collaboration with H&M



2010 May